One of the most important tasks of medicine is to improve the patient's quality of life. It is hard to imagine a normal and healthy life where there is no intercourse. This largely depends on the functional health of the penis as well as the features of its anatomical structure. Some men are convinced that their penis is not normal size so they decide to use surgeons. First of all, you need to analyze whether the size of the penis really needs to be adjusted and also find out how much it costs to enlarge the penis.

What problems can there be with the penis?
Since ancient times, the size, appearance and function of the male genitalia have played an important role in showing courage, strength and health. Psychologists say that representatives of the stronger sex who have problems with the penis do not get good contact, especially with the female sex, are notorious and insecure. Surgery can help in this case, but you should first clarify what the penis enlargement surgery costs, as this fact makes many people prefer another method of correction.
The procedure is not performed for everyone who only wants to, as there must be social, medical or aesthetic indications for this. Basically, a man faces the following problems:
- insufficient penis length
- small diameter of the penis.
These problems force a man to look for different ways to enlarge the organ, some of which pose a health hazard, while others are generally ineffective. Various exercises and massages aimed at the groin area received positive feedback, thanks to daily manipulations, blood circulation is improved and the structural elements of the penis are stretched. But one of the disadvantages of such a radical method as surgery is the high cost of penis enlargement surgery.
Before applying a method of penile correction, visit a medical institution where a specialist must perform diagnostics to determine the presence of pathological processes and determine the cause that led to a change in phallus geometry. In general, all causes can be divided into congenital and acquired. The following factors are innate:
- phimosis - non-opening of the foreskin;
- abnormal development;
- irregular shape of penis.
These problems occur in a man from birth and have for some reason not been corrected in early childhood. Basically, this is the fault of the doctors who conducted the planned examination, as well as the parents who did not notice the incorrect development of the child's genitals in time. The structure changes visually during erection for the following reasons:
- pathology for the development of the hollow bodies and tunica albuginea, which is called fibrosis in medicine;
- congenital deformity of the corpus spongiosum caused by epispadias and hypospadias.
Acquired diseases are no less common; they occur as a result of the effect of negative factors in the external or internal environment. In this case, the responsibility lies solely with the man who did not try to defend himself or did not come to a medical institution in time. These disorders include these manifestations:
- the penetration of foreign bodies into the genitals;
- the development of dangerous infectious diseases;
- injury and damage to the penis.
In order not to lead to serious complications or pathological process, you must immediately respond to signs of disease. Deformation occurs for these reasons:
- severe damage to the corpus cavernosum as well as trauma where there was a partial or complete rupture of the tunica albuginea;
- as a result of complications from Peyronie's disease;
- after previously transmitted diseases associated with the reproductive system - priapism;
- a consequence of surgical intervention, for example prosthesis of the male organ.
The above factors lead to a change in penis appearance, as a result of which the man decides to make a surgical correction, but first you need to find out how much it costs to enlarge the penis.
Hidden membership features
Many men believe that the standard for a normal phallus is at least 20 centimeters with a large head and large thickness. During the research process, however, it was not possible to establish a particular norm, as it differs at every stage of a man's development and depends on other characteristics of his body. At birth, the length is only 3 centimeters, and when extended, it is about 4 centimeters. The size of the penis of a European man at rest is about 9 centimeters, and with an erection it rises to 12-18 cm. From this we can conclude that its length is on average 15 centimeters. Men who have this size, however, consider it too small and want to know how much it costs to enlarge the penis and how to do it at all.
The indications for the appointment of an operation are various congenital pathologies that lead to a deterioration in the quality of life of a man, in some cases to the loss of reproductive abilities. Often the penis is small because it is hidden in the scrotum. This pathology is called a hidden penis, it was not possible to study it fully as well as to determine the exact causes of its occurrence. In the first, the term "was used in 1954, but only 23 years later doctors could give a clear definition of this concept.
The latent penis is an anomaly in the development of the congenital penis, which is characterized by the presence of a normal size penis in a man, but it is hidden behind tissue in the scrotum as well as subcutaneous fat in the pubic bone zone.
It can be concluded that the hidden phallus is a disorder in which the genitals have the normal size of the corpora cavernosa, corresponding to age. The following factors lead to the occurrence of this pathology:
- overweight;
- underdevelopment in sexual development;
- microscopic idiopathic phallus;
- large hernia;
- dropsy affects testicular membranes and other conditions where the scrotum grows to such a size that it completely hides the genitals;
- hypogonadism.
If you suspect the development of this pathology, contact a medical institution where the attending physician will diagnose, determine the cause of this condition and clarify the cost of penis enlargement. Of great importance in this case depends on the type of hidden penis:
- Recessed. In this case, the base of the penis is located where necessary, but the corpora cavernosa is hidden in the tissues of the breast and scrotum.
- Membranous. On the ventral surface of the organ, a marked lack of skin is felt, resulting in a transition to the scrotum and then immediately to the foreskin.
- Moved. Another name for the pathology is member-scrotal transposition, in which the base of the organ is displaced into the central part of the scrotum.
The disease is treated through surgery, some plastic changes are made on the ligaments of the penis and scrotum. In this case, the negative factor is the long recovery period and the cost of penis enlargement surgery. In addition, the effectiveness of such therapy is increased by the use of hormonal agents. If necessary, remove the hernia.
Variants of penis enlargement surgeries
Before deciding on the surgical correction of the penis, a number of very important aspects should be considered. To begin with, you should consult with your doctor so that he clarifies the indications for the surgery and also gives a referral for diagnostic measures. With their help, specialists will determine the appropriateness of the procedure and confirm the absence of contraindications. For these purposes, a urologist or andrologist from a local hospital is suitable.
The operation is performed by surgeons at a private plastic clinic or at large city hospitals. Based on the type of surgery and the characteristics of the clinic, it is determined how much an operation to enlarge the penis costs. Private institutions in their price lists indicate that the cost of procedures is much higher than in conventional hospitals. Of course, the conditions of detention, the professionalism of doctors and the quality of equipment are far better in the past.
Plastic surgery is performed with different methods, it depends on the wishes of the patient and the appointment of the attending physician. Experts say that it is advisable to perform the operation if the length of the penis is less than 12 centimeters.
The following types of surgery are offered:
- Lipofill.This surgery involves the use of the patient's adipose tissue, it is taken from one place and placed in the inner cavity of the penis. Some of the cells dissolve, but the rest remain, although over time they may also disappear. In some cases, muscle flaps are transplanted, but this significantly increases the risk of various complications. This procedure adds approx. 1 centimeter. This is a very insignificant increase in the penis, the price of the procedure depends on the credibility of the clinic and its location.
- Muscle transplantation.This procedure allows you to enlarge the penis, including the head, which is added about 3-4 units in centimeters, but not all institutions will be able to perform this surgery. It is performed under general anesthesia, its essence lies in the fact that muscle tissue is taken from the abdominal cavity and transplanted into the penis. This is a complex procedure, therefore a man must, before it is performed, pass all the tests, consult a urologist and anesthesiologist. It is important to prepare the procedure properly, for this you can not eat food and water (in limited quantities you can) 10 hours before the operation. This procedure has some contraindications where the surgery will necessarily be rejected, these include: psychemotional instability, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, problems with blood coagulation. This is the most expensive procedure for penis enlargement.
- Ligamentotomy.Before starting the procedure, the man is injected with general anesthesia, if there is an intolerance to such anesthesia, they resort to spinal anesthesia. The doctor dissects the ligament in the penis, which is attached to the pelvic bones. Because of this, the size of the penis increases. After dissection, the surgeon removes the hidden part and then sews the incision. Many people choose this procedure because of how much penis enlargement surgery costs because the price is low.
- Falloprosthetics.This operation is known for its increased complexity, therefore it is performed exclusively by a qualified specialist. For implementation, general anesthesia is also required, the doctor cuts the tissue, which provides access to the penis spongy bodies, then implants an implant there. Modern medicine knows different types of prostheses, it can be an inflatable prosthesis, plastic, as well as hard, the latter being installed much less frequently. This procedure takes a long time, but guarantees the most effective length increase result.
Each type of surgery has a number of benefits and features. It is on the basis of them that a particular method of operation is chosen, but one should not forget complications.
Possible complications
After surgery on the human body, there is of course an increased risk of side effects. The enlargement of the penis by this method is no exception. One of them is the altered appearance of the phallus, which may not meet a man's expectations. In addition, a number of other complications can occur:
- fever;
- bleeding;
- hematomas;
- scarring;
- penetration of infection through the wound;
- violation of reproductive function;
- psycho-emotional failure;
- necrosis;
- decreased sensitivity of the penis;
- tissue resorption;
- blood clots;
- an unusual angle of inclination of the penis in an upright position.
Before starting the procedure, the specialist should inform the man not only about the cost of the penis enlargement surgery but also warn him about the possible risks. A man independently decides whether it is advisable to perform a surgical procedure.
Not a single professional surgeon will guarantee 100% of the result, and even more, he will not be able to say with certainty when a man will be able to return to normal sex life.
It is believed that the thickness of the penis after surgery or use of an extender is significantly reduced. This assumption is nothing but a fiction, as when the tissue of the penis is pulled out, new cells are formed around the entire circumference and not in a specific place. This process allows the male "dignity" to increase evenly in length and breadth. Therefore, you can not refuse to use an extender as this device not only stretches the penis but also keeps it in the correct condition which is very important after the surgeon has cut the ligaments.
The operation to enlarge the male genitalia is the most effective procedure because it allows you to radically change the appearance of the penis and correct its length and thickness. For the operation, there must be indications from the attending physician, for example, congenital abnormalities or the size of the penis is less than 12 centimeters. At the same time, it is important to consider how much it costs to enlarge the penis; you will also need a qualified doctor and a long rehabilitation period. Experts only recommend using the services of a plastic surgeon if the size of the penis really detracts from the quality of a man's life.