The term "male dignity" opens up a problem that has troubled men since antiquity. The size of the penis in the ancient tribes determined a person's position in the social hierarchy, so the representatives of the stronger sex resorted to methods of increasing natural data.
Today, penis size is an intimate detail. Mass culture emits a sometimes unattainable ideal. Mass sources appeal to the most painful thing - a woman's satisfaction, and manipulate the consciousness of the male population. Roughly the same thing happens with women who try to achieve boring 90: 60: 90. Men with average performance come into doubt under the influence of false information. Depression and self-doubt develop.
Before elevation, let's get acquainted with the features of penis growth, its "normal" size and how real the increase is.
Average size and norm in different growth periods
Statistical indicators form a clear picture of yourself and others.
Immediately make a reservation, the full-fledged concept of "norm" in the matter of the size of the penis in different age periods of a man,does not exist.
Statistical studies conducted by serious sources reduce the information obtained to the middle possibility.
Penis growth occurs during puberty, which occurs
Since the size is not in an upright form,get the following data:
- At the age of 10-12, the average penis size is about 4 cm and increases by 0. 5-1 cm every year of life. In any year of life, a difference from the norm by 1-1. 5 cm is possible;
- At 13-15 years, the minimum value will add up to 5-6 cm in length;
- At 16-18 years, normal indicators will already be 7-9 centimeters.
normal penis sizein a state of erection:
- At 10-12 years, the average penis size is 9-10 cm;
- At 13-15 years, the norm corresponds to 12-15 cm;
- At 16-18 years, the average parameters of the organ are 13-16 centimeters.
From the age of 18, the organ grows
From the age of 12, the circumference of the body is 7-8 cm, and at the age of 18 it reaches 12-13 cm.
The methods to increase the thickness of the penis are described below.
Psychological factors

Men begin to doubt their ability to satisfy their partner during sexual intimacy. It seems to them that the size of the penis is insufficient. Against this background, self-doubt and inner psycho-emotional stress develop. It undermines health.
A man has a natural desire to be a leader. When the penis is small, it puts pressure on the psyche, disrupts a full life.
Polls of women confirm that size does matter, but not to the extent that men attribute it to.
How to enlarge the penis?
Each new generation of the stronger sex came up with their own methods to lengthen the penis. A guaranteed result is only possible on the operating table. But surgical intervention is only possible if it is indicated. If there are no indications, non-surgical methods are tested.
There are doubts about how effective penis enlargement methods are. Some argue for their effectiveness, others deny completely. If they turn to available methods, they form a comfortable rhythm by combining several techniques. An integrated approach in an attempt to increase the size of the penis leads to a result. Real examples are described below.

Indications for increase
Among the reasons for the operation, the medical staff identified:
- micropenis, i. e. body size that does not exceed 3 cm.
- epispadias- congenital pathology in the form of splitting of the upper wall of the urethra.
- hypospadias- abnormal location of the urethral opening.
- Peyronie's disease- a benign neoplasm that does not belong to the group of tumors that develop in protein tissue.
- Cavernous fibrosis, in other words, instead of the cavernous bodies in the penis there is a compressed connective tissue.
- Damage.
There are "aesthetic" indications for surgery. Example: an organ is hidden due to an excessive amount of fatty tissue in the pubic area.
Any enlargement of the penis is agreed with a specialist.
Best practices
Among the penis size corrections there is an increase in length and an increase in width. But more common are simple options that are easily implemented at home.
Traditional medicine no longer surprises anyone. With its help, solve health problems, improve the condition.
Surprising folk recipes for penis enlargement. A special place is occupied by baking powder, in the amount of a teaspoon.
It is diluted in a glass of 250 ml with warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. Have a small bath in which the penis is immersed.
The procedure takes less than 10 minutes,it is performed one hour before the planned intimacy.
Use a combination of baking soda and honey. The composition is thoroughly mixed in equal proportions and rubbed manly. After the penis enlargement procedure with soda, a man feels an increase in body tone and an increase in sexual desire.
Repeating this procedure for 3-6 months leads to an increase in the body by 2 cm.
There are exercises for penis enlargement:
- to extent;
- to improve blood supply;
- support group.
These exercise methods are simple, do not require effort, they are performed at home.Exercise is the bestpenis enlargement at home.
Penile attachments have been around for a long time and have proven to be simple and affordable. This option assumes no skills or training requirements before use. Nozzles are sold in theme shops.

This is the fastest way to extend a member.
Nozzles on the penis differ in material, size, shades and the purpose of the operation. There are options:
- Nozzles for thickening;
- Able to lengthen the penis;
- With vibration function;
- With an unusual relief;
- gel stimulants;
- Nozzles for affecting both the woman's clitoris and anus.
The nozzle enlarges the penis within 10 cm, but theyreduce sensitivityduring intimacy and create a sense of enlargement only for the partner.
Medicines, hormones, herbs, creams, gels and ointments
Alternative methods for penis enlargement:
- tablets;
- biological additives;
- herbs;
- hormones;
- creams, gels, ointments and sprays.
Medicines are prescribed after consultation with a specialist.

The vacuum pump is based on stimulation of blood flow to the organ.
Waypenis enlargement in a short time.
The result obtained from a vacuum pump will remain in a calm state of the penis, butthe effect of the increase will not last more than a day.
To ensure that the result remains for a long time, the pump is used regularly for a year or more.No more than once every other day.
There are contraindications. These include:
- Diseases affecting the foreskin.
- An acute inflammatory process that affected the entire organ.
- Diabetes mellitus, disorders of the liver or kidneys.
- High blood clots with tendency to thrombosis.
Another method of penis enlargement is jelqing. The technique presents special exercises,affects the characteristics of male dignity.The technique is based on stimulating an increase in blood flow to the organ.
There are three popular techniques:
- The genital organ is inserted in a semi-erect position. Lubricate thoroughly. At the base of the penis, the tips of the index and thumb are connected and form a kind of ring that encloses the organ. Clamps, the ring is pulled to the head. Then release and repeat with the other hand. The execution tempo is average, in a pleasant rhythm.
- The second technique is characterized by the lack of lubrication;
- The third option: the "ring" is made not with two fingers, but with the whole palm.
If suddenly there is a painful sensation - stop the action for a few days.

The penis extender is a special device developed by medical personnel.
It is designed to increase the length of the penisand to combat congenital external defects of the organ.
The device is worn4 to 6 hours a daywhile you pause. The rhythm is considered comfortable when the extender is put on for 2 hours in the morning and then repeated in the afternoon and evening.
Training is done daily. One day is considered the maximum break in the use of the extender.
Men who use the device for at least four months fixthe effect is to increase the penis by 1. 5-2 cm.

Massage for penis enlargement- a pleasant and useful procedure performed to increase the size of the penis. Special massage techniques have been developed, among which the Kegel technique occupies a special position.
With a massage developed by Arnold Kegel, a man works on the muscles in the genital and coccygeal zone.
To determine the muscle that needs attention while visiting the toilet, delay urination for 3-4 seconds.
At the same time, they feel the tension of a muscle that needs to be trained.
Once the muscle is defined, they move on to performing the technique:
- The muscle is compressed and relaxed at a fast pace, trying to contract it during compression. The exercise is performed at a high pace. The time increases gradually.
- The muscle is tensed in steps. First for 2-3 seconds, then relax for the same amount of time. The next time, the strength is increased, and then gradually to the limit, avoiding unpleasant sensations.
- The muscle is compressed as slowly as possible. When the tension has reached the limit, it is relaxed. During the execution of the technique, the sensation of "vibration" of the muscle is noted.

Stretching with a load
Penis enlargement by hanging weights is an old and free method. Several options for attaching them to the body:
- The rope with the load is fixed with adhesive tape,
- A loop is made of the rope and put on the head, fixed exactly under it.
The advantage of this technique is that it is free. But if an organ is damaged due to exercise,must pay for treatment. More popular are other means of dilation or a stretcher.
The result is achieved after 2-3 years of using the technique. There is a high probability of damage to the organ. Outside the house, the load interferes with the movement.
There are options for surgical intervention to increase the size of the male dignity:
- Ligamentotomy, based on the intersection of the ligament that fixes the organ and the removal of its partial inner length to the outside. It lasts no more than an hour, and the man leaves the hospital on the second day after the operation. On average, an increase of 3-5 cm is noted.
- penis prosthesis- an operation where an artificial prosthesis is implanted. This procedure is difficult, it is carried out in extreme cases.
- Lipofilling- fat cells are added to the penis, increasing it by 1 cm.
- muscle transplantationis a microsurgical manipulation in which the thickness of the male dignity is increased by 3-4 cm.
- Plastic surgery- gel or silicone implants are introduced into the organ, which contributes to thickening.
- Hyaluronic acid injections.
Side effects
Effects on the penis are likelyhave negative consequences. When attempting to enlarge an organ, whether successful or not, one or more side effects may develop:
- Painful sensations;
- Darkening, bruising, or spilled hematomas;
- Drying of the skin, the appearance of cracks;
- The appearance of rashes on the surface of the body;
- Isolation of blood from external defects or from within;
- Violation of potency.
If even one of the consequences of penis enlargement appears, you should immediately contact a doctor.
Before insisting on organ enlargement and proceeding to any method,must carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages.